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The history of the laser clinic at the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf.


1981 Argon-Laser Department of Dermatology/ Department of Ophthalmology

Dres. Breitbart, Caster, Maurach (Dermatology), Rassow (Ophthalmology), Thyzell (Äskulap Meditek) :

Animal experiments and first treatment of patients with a modified argon laser in the dept. of ophthalmology.

1981 Argon-Laser  at the Department of Dermatology

Acquisition of the argon-Laser

First Laser Clinic (Wednesdays, 2 hours)

Indikations: vascular lesions, laser coagulation

1982 Argon-Laser

D.Caster: Dissertation: Einsatz des Argon-Lasers in der Dermatologie (Application of the argon laser in Dermatology)

R.Maurach: Einsatz des Argon-Lasers in der Dermatologie: Vortrag DDG Kongreß Wien (Application of the argon laser in Dermatology): Presentation at the German Academy Meeting in Vienna Vortrag DDG Kongreß Wien

Laser Clinic: Dres. Maurach, Kimmig


Laser Clinic: Dr. Kimmig

1986 / 1987  Neodyme:YAG Laser

Experimental and clinical examinations on volume-coagulation with a laser in the department of internal medicine (endoscopy) (Kröger, Kimmig)

Ultrasound-controlled laser application

Acquisition of a laser for the Department of Dermatology

Laser Clinic: Dres. Böhm, Börries, Kimmig

1988 „Softlaser“

Experimental and clinical examinations on wound healing with a low-energy laser (Böhm, Kimmig)

Laser Clinic: Dres. Böhm, Kimmig

1989 CO-2 Laser

Experimental and clinical applications (Schenk, Kimmig)

Treatment of condylomata acuminata (Gross)

1988    Q-switched neodyme:YAG Laser


Experimental and clinical applications at the Technical University Harburg (Ismail, Kimmig)

Scarfree removal of tatoos (first laser clinic in Germany)


1993 Pulsed dye laser

Acquisition of the laser

Experimental and clinical applications (Wagner, Kimmig)

Treatment of vascular lesions

Expansion of the Laser Clinic

Move into the wing of the department of Dermatology

Digital Video/picture documentation unit

Laser Clinic: Dres. Seeber, Peter, Kortüm, Grusek, Kimmig

1994 Pulsed dye laser

Treatment of new-borns and infants under general anesthesia

1994 Ruby laser

Acquisition of the laser

Experimental and clinical applications  (Filzek, Kimmig)

Treatment of pigmentary lesions

Expansion of the Laser Clinic

1995 Laser Clinic

Contract with state health insurance for coverage (Port-wine stains, hemangiomas)

Hiring of a secretary (Mrs. Reese)

Expansion of the Laser Clinic

Modern system for archiving

Co-workers: Dres. Wetzel, Filzek, Paßlack, Hadshiew, Kimmig

1996 CO-2 Ultrapulse

Acquisition of the laser

Laser skin-resurfacing (Haug, Kimmig)

Establishing a new therapeutic unit

1997 Alexandrite-Laser

Acquisition of the laser

Clinical study on laser depilation (Boro, Kimmig)

Establishing a new therapeutic unit

Laser Clinic: Dres. Wetzel, Paßlack, Filzek, Hadshiew, Seeber, Kimmig

1997 CO-2 Silk-Touch

Acquisition of the laser

Clinical application: Abrasions for epidermal lesions, acne scars, viral papillomas

1998 Erbium:YAG Laser

Acquisition of the laser

Clinical application: 'Cold' abrasions

1998 Building of a new operation facility at the department of Dermatology

Move of the Laser Clinic into the new OR-building

Modern, fully air-conditioned rooms

New, modern waiting rooms

1999 Long-pulsed dye laser

Acquisition of the laser

Clinical application: Treatment of therapy-resistant port-wine stains (Nevi flammeii)

Better (milder) treatment (with fewer purpura (bleeding into the skin, bruising) for cosmetic indications (Couperosis, etc.)

2000: Long-pulsed dye laser

Clinical application: Treatment of wrinkles, subsurfacing (smoothing of wrinkles and scars)

Neodyme:YAG Laser

Acquisition of the laser

Clinical application: Interstitial and transcutaneous lasertherapy of hemangiomas (ultrasound-controlled)

2001: Laser clinic hours

Times: Monday – Thursday: 8 am -1pm, 2 pm-6pm


            - out-patient, in-patient, day-care

            - private health insurance, individual payment

           - Head: Dr. Kimmig

Co-workers: M.Reese, B.Paßlack, A.Filzek


•Vascular lesions

•Pigmentary changes

•Abrasion/Removal of skin





•Cw neodyme:YAG (2 x)

•Pulsed-dye laser

•Long-pulsed dye-laser


•CO-2 Scanner

•CO-2 Ultrapulse




Scienticfic Output up to 2001: 

•8 Dissertations

•68 Publications and book contributions

• More than 150 presentations

•7 Laser-protection Courses

•9 Symposia

•3 Conferences

•12 Evaluations for malpractice suits after laser applications

•Approximately 80.000 Patient treatments


Laser Clinic: Dres. Stangl, Niemann, Kimmig

Clinical Studies on Phototherapy of Acne vulgaris


Laser Clinic: Dres. Stangl, Niemann, Stephan, Kimmig

Clinical study on the application of the excimer-Lasers for high-dose UVB-phototherapy

Acquisition of  a B-Clear unit for high-dose UVB-phototherapy


Laser Clinic: Dres. Stephan (bis 31.3.2005), Niemann, Stangl, Kimmig

Home-page of the Laser Clinic

Expansion of the Software